Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rip and Rip Yet Again

The key to being a designer.
One that can't sketch, that is.

I knit and knit until I'm satisfied. It's just not happening with this combo of fibers. I'm upset because I spent too much on the yarn. My concept was to put more money into the fibers and less time into the design. Most of my designs are labor intensive and I have to price my bags high enough to make it worthwhile.

I guess I shouldn't try to be something I'm not. In other words, do it my way. The one lesson I tried to teach my children was to be true to yourself.

Back to my flower pins. The stores are wanting more.
That's the good news.
I'll try again later.

Posted by bonniegoldingpurses

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Still Nothing

I  am yet to be inspired with this knitted piece.  This could be a costly mistake.  The fibers are hand-dyed and very expensive.  I may have to rip again.

Not to worry though.  I did finish these.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Get Me to the Church On Time

Bridal Keepsake Bag

Finished just in time and had to overnight .

Making felted flower pins today for Citywoods, a wonderful gallery featuring American Artisans.

No purse making this weekend.  There is a skating competition and I have several skaters competing.

Finding time for both is a challenge.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

On to a New Project

So much for the knitted purse.  It's not working for me.  I took it to the fabric store and tried to find a lining.  Nothing.
Never a dull moment.  More good news/bad news.
I have an order for a custom made bridal keepsake bag...
The wedding is the day after tomorrow. 

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Starting All Over

Good News/Bad News

The bag was too big, I ripped it and started all over/My Grandson's hat fit.

His mother loved it/He wouldn't wear it.

I made the cutest pouch purse/I have no where to wear it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Nothing New Today

Nothing new to see if the hat fits my grandson.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Took the Day Off

No experimenting today.
My hand hurts from using such small needles to knit my grandson's hat.
Worked on my Facebook today. I'm not sure I really understand how it works, but it is suppose to help business.
I think blogging is more fun.
Anything on the computer is fun.

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Design Process

There is none.

I just knit and rip...knit and rip.

I may have to rip it. It's not doing anything for me.

Too big, too heavy.

My grandson's hat looks great though.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Creation Process

I've wound the hanks into balls. That took all afternoon.

I knitted a swatch.

...and, of course, my grandson's hat has gotten larger.
I like to multi-task

Saturday, January 2, 2010

How to Create a Unique Handbag

Go to a sale at your favorite knit shop.
Buy whatever colors and textures appeal to you.
Take them home.
Lay them out in groups...stare at them until you need the space for other things.
Knit a hat for your grandson.
That works.
I'll keep you posted on what I do next.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Flower Power

Take a sniff...
My felted flower pins have really bloomed. They are selling everywhere. My energetic 89 yr. old mother-in-law knits the flower for me. I wouldn't have such a beautiful garden (or life) without her.